General Creativity
General Creativity

Photo Project – Part 4

Over the past 3 weeks, I’ve scanned > 2,000 photos, > 300 personal documents, and almost 500 pages of a “book” that my high school friend Christyne and I wrote in the late 1980’s. Phew!!! I finished scanning PHOTO ALBUM 4 last week, but got pre-occupied with the other stuff I scanned, so wasn’t ready to publish this post until tonight. Here are my favorite photos from PHOTO ALBUM 4, which covers years 1999-2000.

Photo Project – Part 3

I scanned PHOTO ALBUM 3 over the weekend, while I was in bed with a nasty cold. Here are my favorite photos from PHOTO ALBUM 3, which covers years 1997-1998 [when I was 26 & 27 years old], including some from my trip to Great Britain in 1998.

Photo Project – Part 2

I have 2,000 non-digital photos from years 1987-2000, stored in 4 photo albums. I’ve wanted to scan them into the “cloud” for years, and finally started 2 weekends ago. My last post covered my favorites from PHOTO ALBUM 1. This post covers my favorites from PHOTO ALBUM 2 and were all taken during 1995 & 1996, when I was 24 & 25 years old.

Photo Project – Part 1

Growing up, photography was always a hobby. I didn’t get my first digital camera until 2001. Prior to that, I used a variety of SLRs and point-and-shoots. I have 2,000 non-digital photos from years 1987-2000, stored in 4 photo albums. I finally started scanning them into the “cloud” last weekend. Here are my favorite photos from PHOTO ALBUM 1.

Stained Glass Stars – Part 5

This weekend I created 3 new stars for our living room window. I dressed them up with pre-tinned copper wire to make them look like snowflakes. Pre-tinned means it’s already been dipped in solder so it saves me the headache of trying to lay an even layer of solder over it. It’s very easy to hold the wire designs with needle-nosed pliers and solder them to the stars.

Stained Glass Spider Web – Part 4

Abbie warned me a couple times that the stained glass spider web I made in October was probably too heavy for the hooks I added in November, since they were soldered directly to the copper foil border. She wasn’t kidding! Today I took the web down to my workshop and barely applied any pressure before the hooks peeled off, taking the copper foil with them.

Stained Glass Stars – Part 2

Today I made another stained glass star! I went into work this morning but got home at 1:30 and immediately headed down to my workshop and started another star. The glass I used today is a dark teal color, and has a wavy pattern to it. If you hold it on it’s side it looks like the surface of a lake. So pretty! it only took me an hour and 15 minutes to make the 2nd star, versus 2½ hours for the first one 🙂