Circle Mosaic Paintings – Part 5

working on my set of 4 circle mosaic paintings - acrylic on 5X5" gesso board

Tonight I finally had time to work on my paintings again. It took 2½ hours just to add raspberry! Part of the problem was the color wasn’t opaque enough, so I had to apply 3 coats. Another problem was I ran out of my custom mixed color halfway through and had to mix another batch, color-matched to the first batch. Never the easiest thing! The raspberry I created was a mix of “Primary Red”, “Primary Blue”, & “Titanium White”.

Circle Mosaic Paintings – Part 2

set of 4 circle mosaic paintings - acrylic on 5X5" gesso board

This is a set of 4 mosaics I’m painting on 5″x5″ gesso board, using acrylic paint. I go through phases of being artistic, and when I hit a phase, I do my best to stick with it! I enjoy painting sets of 3 or 4 paintings at a time, all slightly different but sharing a common theme. You can see some of my previous sets on my Art page.

Winter Creativity!

stained glass cutting supplies from abbie

This is going to be a winter of creativity – I just know it! Every day the urge to create pervades all my senses, giving me flashes and ideas. I love it! There’s going to be stained-glassing. There’s going to be painting. And who knows what else!

Painting While Intoxicated – Part 1

intoxicated drunken splatter paint art

I should point out that I rarely get drunk. But a couple times a year I come home from work on a Friday night and decide it’s time to get hammered. A couple of White Russians later and I’m feeling GOOD! Which is around the time I decide a “Goth Dance Party” in the girl cave is long overdue. I dig out my club clothes, crank the Industrial music, turn on the LED Christmas lights, and dance like no one’s watching.