Basement Flooding – Part 4

i painted 2 coats of drylok masonry waterproofer on our basement cage wall

At the end of June I’d finally had it with our basement cage [aka my workshop] flooding every time it rained.  I discovered that the gutter on the corner of the house above the leak was pointing straight down at the foundation so I crafted a gutter extender, then sealed the basement wall with hydraulic cement, silicon masonry sealant, and 2 coats of Drylok masonry waterproofer.

Basement Flooding – Part 3

i used a brush to clean the dirt off the basement wall

Now that the basement wall has had some time to dry out, I decided it was time to start the patching process. I vacuumed and scrubbed the wall to prepare it for the hydraulic cement. Then glopped it into all the holes that were leaking. It dries almost immediately making it rather tricky to work with!

Chameleon Mural – Part 2

the chameleon mural after adding red

Today I worked more on the chameleon mural. I started by taking the brown from yesterday and dividing it into 3 parts. I added white to part, black to another part, and left the remaining original sealed in the Tupperware. Then I added highlights & shadowing to the branch. I also added some red to the head, legs, and tail.

Chameleon Mural – Part 1

the background and branch have been painted on the chameleon mural

Hubby’s birthday was yesterday.  For his present I’ve been planning to paint something for above the bed, to replace the faded picture that’s been up there since I moved in. It was supposed to be a surprise but I ended up telling him since there’s no way I was going to finish it by yesterday.