Backyard Catio – Part 24

darwin checking out the catio sleeping box

Earlier this month I ripped the chicken wire off the catio and re-stained it. I also built a sleeping box for the bottom level. Next up was attaching the welded wire I bought from Amazon. The welded wire was so much easier to use than the chicken wire! It lay flat when I rolled it out, it didn’t have stabby edges that cut me or got snagged on my clothes, and it’s welded in 1″ sections which made measuring a breeze.

I Stained My Workbench – Part 2

the workbench looks great now that it's completely stained

Last February I stained & waterproofed the top of my girl cave workbench. I only did the top because I didn’t think it would matter if I left the rest natural wood, and I needed the top waterproofed stat, since my stained glassing was leaving ugly waters spots on the MDF. But after living with it for a few months I decided the rest really needed to be stained.

Backyard Catio – Part 23

the catio sleeping box is completed!

Once the chicken wire was off the catio frame, I realized I could build a little sleeping box for the cats for the catio before my welded wire arrived. I consulted my Dad and he suggested ½” exterior plywood, so I went to Home Depot & bought a half sheet.

Backyard Catio – Part 22

after a new coat of stain the catio started looking great again!

I have been debating replacing the chicken wire on the catio with something sleeker & less stabby. I ended up ordering 100′ of galvanized welded wire from Amazon. While I waited for it to arrive, I ripped off all the old chicken wire and re-stained the frame.