My Virtual Mission – Part 4

my award for completing 50% of my virtual mission across the country

In August 2016 I shared my mission to virtually bicycle across the US from Ipswich, MA, to the Seattle Aquarium.  I am logging all the miles I ride on the recumbent bike at the YMCA & the miles I walk into  I have logged 1,500 miles so far, and reached 50% of my mission.

Tonsillectomy TMI

a nurse took a photo of hubby and i before my tonsillectomy

Just what you want to read during the 3rd Nor’Easter of March 🙂 If you are easily grossed out, please skip this post and just know that the tonsillectomy I had in November seems to have cured all my ailments and I’m back to 100% 🙂

OMG – 5k Mud Run!

me completing the funnest obstacle at the 5k muddy leprechaun mud run - marini farm, ispwich!

For the past 5 years Marini Farm in Ipswich has hosted the “Muddy Leprechaun”, a 5k obstacle run through their muddy fields.  Every year I’ve wanted to do it, but since I don’t run, I never pursued it.  Until last year when I decided “who cares if I don’t run, I’m doing it!”  Hubby runs, so last Fall I asked him about doing this year’s mud run with me, but he wasn’t interested.  So I asked Abbie [who doesn’t run either] and she said “YES!!!”

I’ve Been Sick for 5 Weeks – MEH!

abbie's daughter claire trying to resurrect me after a 5k mud run

It SUCKS.  No energy for projects.  Barely enough energy to go to work and do a good job.  I’ve had a sore throat for 36 days now [that’s 5 weeks + 1 day]! HOWEVER, being sick for 5 weeks did NOT stop me from competing in a 5k mud run last weekend 😀

My Virtual Mission – Part 3

i virtually made it to the middle of lake michigan

Last August I shared my mission to virtually bicycle across the US from Ipswich, MA, to the Seattle Aquarium.  I am logging all the miles I ride on the recumbent bike at the YMCA & the miles I walk into  Each time I log new miles my virtual icon moves across the map. I am currently on a ferry in the middle of Lake Michigan.

My Virtual Mission – Part 2

i virtually made it to niagara falls by logging my gym rides via

Back in August I shared my mission to virtually bicycle across the US from Ipswich to the Seattle Aquarium.  I am logging all the miles I ride on the recumbent bike at the YMCA into and each time I log new miles my virtual icon moves across the map.

My Virtual Mission – Part 1

my virtual mission screenie showing entire mission from ipswich to the seattle aquarium

I started riding 30 miles a week on the recumbent bike at the local YMCA last month, so I decided to sign up for a virtual mission at I didn’t really have a specific destination on the west coast, so I randomly chose the Seattle Aquarium. And the awesomest part about that is I keep having nightmares about the Seattle Aquarium [think giant tentacles slamming into glass]. GAH!

Grilling Portobellos, Veggie Dogs & Burgers

grilling skewered onions, skewered portobellos, and corn on the cob

I’m still having fun learning how to use the grill and make healthy meals for me & hubby. This week I tried wooden skewers for the first time and it worked out really well! No more onion pieces rolling all willy-nilly around the grill. And as an added bonus, the skewers didn’t burst into flames.