5 Little Projects – Part 4

i dented a door hinge pin so our bedroom door wouldn't always swing open

This post builds on 5 Little Projects Part 1 published June 8th [projects 1-5], 5 Little Projects Part 2 published June 21st [projects 6-10], & 5 Little Projects Part 3 published September 7th [projects 11-15].  This will cover the final 5 little projects I worked on in 2020.

DIY Folding 3-Panel Screen for < $40

my diy 3-panel frame looks wonderful in our bedroom

This past summer, Jim challenged me to build a 3-panel folding screen for under $40.  Actually, it started with him searching online for an affordable screen for the corner of the bedroom, but they all looked [to me] like discount store dressing rooms. He said “if you can build one for less than $40, then go for it!”. And I did 🙂