A New Theme & A New Photo!

my new website profile photo with my razer kraken kitty edition LED headset

It was time to update my site.  It’s been pretty much inactive since 2020.  I uploaded a new theme today [“Bravada” by Cryout Creations, my favorite (free!) Wordpress theme company].  And finally uploaded a new photo of myself. 

No Malware!!! False Alarm!

spring header image - april first snow covering daffodils and other spring flowers

Got a very scary email this morning from WordFence (WordPress security plugin) saying my site has been infected with Malware. GoDaddy (my hosting provider) confirmed it and are in the process of removing it. Scary world.

Blog Blahs & Evil Blocks

cat party gif giphy

I’m starting to get my project mojo back.  Woohoo!!!  Everyone always asks “where do you get your energy?” and this past 6 months has been a great example of how long it can take for my energy to recharge.  I have done NOTHING. 

Page Speed & New Theme

final speed test results from gtmetrix showing 97% speed!

On August 4th I decided to retest my page’s speed. I hadn’t tested it since last July. It was a bit of a wake up call! I scored a big, fat F for speed. Yikes! Since then I’ve learned so much about site optimization and page speed. I’ve downloaded a new, more current theme, have “smushed” all 4,500+ of my images, and learned how to cache my files and pages. WHEW!

Site Optimization & Speed!

sunset over the ipswich river, waterfall, and ebsco

My website STILL doesn’t work from home. Although, at the moment, I can access it from Firefox, but not from Chrome. Tell me that makes sense… [usually I can’t access it from either]. I’ve been doing a lot of research lately about site optimization. Hence all my craziness regarding Alt Text. Which has helped! I’m starting to get more random traffic. And today I found a site that tests the load speed of your website & suggests ways to improve it – sweet!

The Importance of Alt Text

alt txt text tutorial

I have been writing this post off and on for almost 2 months, pretty much from around the time I lost my mojo and became a sloth. I’m still dealing with being a sloth, but have started walking a few days a week again, which is big progress towards getting my energy and health back. So I’m here to help ensure your photos are picked up by SEARCH ENGINES!