Page last updated 11/8/2022


I am Alison, aka Nine Dark Moons.  I’m 51 years old, creative, shy, quirky, and slightly OCD.



I live in Ipswich, MA with my husband Jim in a beautiful condo on the edge of the Ipswich River. I’ve worked for the “one-fish two-fish red-fish blue-fish” branch of the Federal government for over 25 years.  I do a mix of SQL programming, database management, and running reports for high level management, state offices, and sometimes even Congress.  The projects I work on vary throughout the years, so there’s always something fresh and new.  I love my job and feel very blessed!

When I’m not working, I enjoy DIY home improvement projects, creating art, creating stained glass art, taking photos, going to the gym, reading Dystopian & horror books on my Kindle, playing with our 2 rescue cats & 2 rats, gardening, watching funny things on TV [my favorites are Big Bang Theory & Family Guy], & listening to music.

In 2012 I bought a Honda CBR250R motorcycle so I didn’t have to always ride on the back of my husband’s.  It’s WAY more fun to have your own!:

Since that picture was taken I have bought a much cooler jacket, which is pink and reflective, so I don’t have to wear the ugly pink vest anymore & my helmet has cat ears:

        the new cat ears i bought for my helmet! helmetupgrades.com

The awesome unibrow my brother gave me, and halloween me:

me wearing the unibrow my brother gave me for christmas 2016

What I used to eat for breakfast [it’s not a whole lot better now, but a little]:

And we can end this with my favorite baby picture of me drinking Bud 🙂

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