A Mouse Story – Part 4

the "mouse baby" before i released him into the wild field

This past May, the Mouse Dad escaped his cage while I had the door open [leapt right out past my hand], and ran downstairs and under the fridge.  That made me realize that after 18 months he might not want to be a caged mouse any longer. 

A Mouse Story – Part 2

i knew the baby mouse was around because he left footprints in the flour

This is the second part of a 3-part mouse story. In brief recap: On 12/3/2019 Darwin heard mice in the basement through the baseboard heater: On 12/4/2019 I caught my first basement mouse.  A few days later I caught a 2nd basement mouse so the first one would have a friend while they wintered over … Read more

An Update on the “Fish Babies”

our boy molly fish hamming it up for the camera

They are definitely no longer babies!  Up until recently our 9 remaining “babies” were all girls, but a few days ago one turned into a boy and 2 more appear to be heading that way.  Apparently that happens with Molly fish, within the first 6 months or so, which is why I’ve been VERY vigilant.  We don’t need more fish babies! 

OMG Fish Babies!

we ended up with 11 fish babies in september

OK, so a few years ago I bought some assorted adult fish at the pet store and it turned out the female gold-dust Molly was pregnant and had a fish baby [she probably had a lot more but they all got eaten by the mom and the other adults]. The Fish Baby was the cutest thing ever!