Grilling Portobellos, Veggie Dogs & Burgers

grilling skewered onions, skewered portobellos, and corn on the cob

I’m still having fun learning how to use the grill and make healthy meals for me & hubby. This week I tried wooden skewers for the first time and it worked out really well! No more onion pieces rolling all willy-nilly around the grill. And as an added bonus, the skewers didn’t burst into flames.

6 Panel Art Project – Part 3

6 panel art painting project - acrylic on 11X14" canvas board

Almost exactly a year ago [how weird is that?] I started working on my 6 panel art/painting project. The project actually began in 2004/2005-ish when I bought the 6 panels of canvas board, laid them out on the floor in my old apartment, and sketched a big tree onto them. The plan was to paint 3 panels dark and 3 panels light so together they make one picture but half day/half night.

Grilling Eggplant, Onion, Asparagus, Squash, & Corn

grilled eggplant, onions, and asparagus

I have never been much of a griller. For YEARS it was because I was scared I couldn’t do it. Abbie kept telling me “IT’S SO EASY!” but grilling for myself was never very motivating. After meeting Jim, I decided it was time to finally learn. I’m mostly in charge of dinner and DIY and he’s mostly in charge of laundry and dishes, so the grill falls squarely in my domain.

Stained Glass Circles – Part 3

my 2 stained glass circles projects layered!

For many months I’ve been toying with the idea of creating a stained glass project framed by wood. As in, finding the perfect wood frame and then creating something to put in it. I was partly inspired by stained glass projects my friend and glass mentor Abbie has done, especially her light box which is a 3 dimensional wooden box with a front made of multi colored beach glass, and filled with an LED light string that slowly changes colors. It’s mesmerizing!

Painting While Intoxicated – Part 2

acrylic on 9x12" canvas board, framed for gifts

The last time I Created Art While Intoxicated was in 2013. As I’ve said before, I rarely get drunk [which is why there were no 2014 or 2015 Intoxicated Art posts]. It’s not often I decide to really let go. But sometimes I do, and sometimes while in a state of joyful inebriation I feel compelled to be creative. Two weekends ago I drank 4 Mike’s Mango Punches and informed hubby that I absolutely HAD TO GO PAINT.