Cherry Blossom Tree – Part 2

In case you missed it, here are the previous links for this now-completed project:


In early August my BFF Abbie asked if I’d like to help her paint her twin girls’ bedroom wall.  She’d already started an Apple tree on Claire’s side of the room, and I opted to paint a Cherry Blossom branch on Meara’s side:

meara standing in front of the cherry blossom branch i painted on her wall

However, Meara told her mommy she’d prefer a TREE because Claire had a tree.  Made sense to me.  So a couple weekends ago I went back and turned the branch into a tree.  After mapping out the trunk I added cherry blossoms:

311a        311b

For a bit of greenery [cherry blossom branches only have flowers because they bloom so early in the Spring] I added butterfly chrysalis’, one on each side:

311c        311d

I think they add a bit of mystery to the tree:

311e        311f

I also added some fallen blossoms around the base of the tree and under the original branch:

311g        311h

Meara loved it [thankfully!].  I’d love to go back and add some birds and critters to the tree.  Maybe a few butterflies flying above, too.

Abbie is nearly done with Claire’s apple tree:


The wooden mouse hole is covering a noisy heating grate where “the monsters live”.  So Briggs [their Dad] made a door to lock the monsters inside *nods*.

The girls are very silly – Claire on the left, and Claire and & Meara on the right.  They will be 4 this coming March [!]:

311i        311j

No visit to Ab’s is complete without seeing the chickens:

311k        311l

I just finished the farm-fresh eggs Abbie sent me home with – as always, they were to die for 🙂

It seems like just yesterday Abbie’s twins were tutu wearing pumpkins!


Briggs can never resist an opportunity to wear his own tutu [pic stolen from Facebook this morning]:


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8 thoughts on “Cherry Blossom Tree – Part 2”

  1. It is not easy, to paint a big tree! Both have become beautiful.
    Pretty, lovely Babys.
    Hübsche , liebliche Babys.
    Liebe Grüsse

  2. You and Abbie are both incredibly creative and talented! The walls are gorgeous – if time permitted, you two could go into business.
    The twins are adorable.


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