Front Hall Overhaul – Part 10

grouting the slate tiles in the front entrance hall and closet

I HATE grout haze. It’s my current nemesis, although I’ve made huge progress towards eliminating it. Removing it requires lots and lots of scrubbing. With warm water and a green kitchen scrubbie. And once you think you’ve done as much scrubbing as you can handle, you have to to more scrubbing. And rinsing. Lots and lots of rinsing.

Living With Depression

meh black and white word box

As a DIY blogger, I don’t often talk about my personal life. I like to keep things light and fluffy and focus on my accomplishments and the funny things my pets have done. It helps me to keep a positive mental attitude and outlook on life. But behind the scenes things aren’t always so easy. I have suffered from depression since puberty. Without medication I find life unbearable. I wanted to share a blog post I wrote in 2005, originally published on MySpace.

Front Hall Overhaul – Part 8

all tiles laid and sealed in front hall

I laid the last 10 tiles in the front hall today! And sealed them. I’m so happy they’re done! After laying them I let the mortar dry for a few hours while I attended a friend’s birthday party. Then I sealed them. Now the entire front hall and closet is covered in beautiful, dark grey slate!

Front Hall Overhaul – Part 7

sealing the slate tiles in the front entrance hall

Wednesday after work I laid 2 more tiles. Today I laid 5 more, then sealed all 7 new tiles. I have a total of 30 tiles laid now, and probably have 8 to go. Which is good since I only have 8 left! I’ve managed to waste 7 total so far, by messing up the cuts. D’oh!

A Fix for Our Leaky Hose Faucet

using a gutter extender to temporarily fix our leaky garden hose

I need to preface this post by saying that we need a new hose, and we’re planning to buy one next Spring. Our poor basement has been very wet lately. Getting a new water heater earlier this week will solve one major leak. And hopefully my fix for the hose will solve another.

Front Hall Overhaul – Part 6

slate tiles laid in the front hall

Even though I still have about 16 more tiles to lay, I decided to clean and seal the current 23 before moving forward. It’s been too rainy to lay any more tiles [since I have to use the wet saw outside, etc.] so it seemed like a good use of my time.

Removing Dried Mortar From Slate Tiles

cleaning dried thin-set mortar off slate tiles using vinegar

This post addresses a very valuable “lesson learned”. I was planning to lay more tile Tuesday afternoon, but I decided to first tidy up the mess on the tiles I’d already laid. There were spots, glops, drops, & smears of thin-set mortar on all 23 of the tiles I’d laid earlier this week. I figured I could scrub them off later with a kitchen sponge. Wrong! Oh so wrong.

Front Hall Overhaul – Part 5

laying slate tiles in the front entrance hall

I think this is the longest I’ve gone without posting in a while. There’s been some drama going on behind the scenes which has affected my focus in terms of blogging. But that doesn’t mean stuff hasn’t been happening! I laid 12 tiles in the front hall on Saturday, and 11 more today. I’m about ⅔ done!