Upstairs Cat Platforms – Part 9

birdie in pure bliss mode on her new upstairs hall cat platform

I just added 4 new cat platforms to the upstairs hall. That makes a total of 25 platforms I’ve built in the past 3 years. TWENTY FIVE. If that doesn’t earn me Crazy Cat Lady status I don’t know what will! OK, maybe walking down the street with a shopping cart full of cats… *shudder*. This past weekend I put the finishing touches on 4 new platforms surrounding the girl cave doorway.

Yard Lanterns – Part 2

the back yard lights look so pretty at sunset

All I can say is: It’s freaking amazing to have working lights in the back yard!!! I’ve lived in the condo since 2012. For the first 2 years, I didn’t even realize the ugly black things stuck to the wall in the back yard were the remnants of old flood lights. Last year I finally recognized them for what they were, and this year I did something about it!

Yard Lanterns – Part 1

i capped the yard lantern wires on the right side

One of the projects on my 2016 Projects list is to install lights in the back yard where there have always been two weird black receptacles. I decided to see what was under the receptacles – better to find out what’s underneath before going any further. After work I got my ladder out, climbed up, and used my voltage tester to see if there was any electricity running to the receptacles. Nothing. Dammit!

I Painted the Back Door

darwin watching birds out the newly painted back door

Another item from my 2016 Project List done, albeit not a very exciting one. The original metal back door that goes from the yard into the living room has always been ugly brown on the inside and outside. Now it’s black on the outside and white on the inside to match our other doors.

Some Very Special Visitors

daniela, dad, & me at niles beach in gloucester, ma

Two weeks ago we hosted some very special visitors: Daniela Braun and her husband Joachim Braun. They hail from the Stuttgart area of Germany. It was wonderful to meet them! Joachim has been to the US many times, but it was Daniela’s first trip. Apparently New England is very different from Southern Germany! We did so many things while they were here, including the New England Aquarium, the Crane Estate, Salem, Rockport, and Walden Pond.