Disco Ball Redux
Disco Ball Redux

Disco Ball Redux

Back in July, I risked life and limb to climb 15′ in the air on a ladder [which was leaning slightly backwards], while lugging a giant disco ball, so I could hang it from the beam in our upstairs hallway:

ladder in upstairs hall to hang disco ball        upstairs hall disco ball

However, it was too high up to reflect any light from the nearby skylight, and I also failed to direct the can light above the closet [where the holiday tree is] at the ball to take advantage of it’s GLORY.  All glory to the disco ball!!!  Or, if you prefer,:


Today after work, despite having a fever and battling a UTI [or probably because of], I lugged my big ladder up to the hallway and climbed on top of the closet.  I lowered the disco ball 3′ by adding a 2nd chain.  I also aimed the can light at the ball:

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Look at all the sparkles!!!!!!!  *happy happy boing boing boing*

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