AC Cabinets – Part 5
AACC CCaabbiinneettss  PPaarrtt 55

AC Cabinets – Part 5

The pictures pretty much speak for themselves, so I’ll keep it short.  Here’s a shot from my basement workshop last week – it shows the girl cave AC box frame acting as a drying rack for 4 of the rigid insulation panels, as well as the laser cut wood panels hanging in the background:

I painted the door frames & spray painted the laser cut wood panels over the past couple of weeks:

Putting the doors together involved first screwing the laser cut wood panels to each frame and then screwing the rigid insulation panels on top:


Once the doors were ready, I placed them onto the box frame and screwed on the hinges & the magnetic door catches:

Here’s a “before” shot of the girl cave AC [WOOF!]:

And the “after” shots:


The angled ceiling prevents the left door from opening as wide as the right, but whatever – it won’t affect the box’s functionality, and the doors will only be open when we’re actually using the AC which isn’t often.

As with the living room AC box, I secured the girl cave box to the wall with a bit of caulk & an L-bracket at the very top:

Those with sharp eyes may notice something weird between the doors – it’s a piece of wax paper.  The doors fit pretty close together and I didn’t want them to fully cure without something to keep them separate!

UPDATE 7/5/2018:

I ended up removing the doors last month, repainting them, and adding cardboard spacers behind the hinges so they wouldn’t close together so tightly.

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    1. Nine Dark Moons

      I can reach the AC doors and dials by using a stool to climb up onto my work bench. Hubby can reach it just by standing on the stool. Worst case I use a ladder 🙂 Thankfully the bedroom one, which is also really high, has a remote. But if the girl cave one ever had a remote, it’s long gone.

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