Year: <span>2015</span>
Year: 2015

Upstairs Cat Platforms – Part 6

Last time I worked on the cat platforms in the upstairs hallway was back in September, when I rearranged the configuration. However, due to some unfortunate circumstances involving Bonkers infiltrating the living room alcove which was Birdie’s only real “safe zone”, she has taken to spending more time on the upstairs hall cat platforms. The main platform is currently a bit crowded with Birdie’s litter box, food and water.

Finally – Flowers!

I am so late this year dressing up our tiny yard with some color, but finally got it done today. Hubby and I visited our friend Nat yesterday and stayed over at his house near Boston. On the way home we stopped at Lowe’s for a few things, so I grabbed 8 little pots of Petunias and some potting soil. It was a beautiful day for planting, low 70’s, sunny, and breezy.

The Importance of Alt Text

I have been writing this post off and on for almost 2 months, pretty much from around the time I lost my mojo and became a sloth. I’m still dealing with being a sloth, but have started walking a few days a week again, which is big progress towards getting my energy and health back. So I’m here to help ensure your photos are picked up by SEARCH ENGINES!

Maui, Hawaii 2015 – Part 4

I promise I will be posting about actual DIY stuff soon! For the past 5 weeks I have been fully engulfed in a manic frenzy of epic proportions to get all my photos from 1987-2015 cataloged and pared down. Here is my final Hawaii post, covering surf lessons, sea turtles & geckos.

Maui, Hawaii 2015 – Part 3

Jim and I traveled to Maui, Hawaii last April. I posted about our first 5 days back in May but never got around to posting about the end of our trip. Now that I’ve spent about 40 hours organizing my digital photo collection from 2001-2015, I finally took the time to go through the rest of the Maui photos. Here are the highlights from our 6th & 7th day on the beautiful island of Maui.

Maui, Hawaii 2015 – Part 1

Finally, over 2 weeks after getting home from Maui, Hawaii, I present you with my first post, which covers days 1, 2 & 3. It discusses our sort-of botched snorkeling trip, our discovery of a hidden Japanese temple, and a freak rain storm that trapped us at the hotel for the last few hours of day 3!

New Fish Tank Friends!

EDIT: Bizarrely, since writing this post the other day, one of my 4 cherry barb fish has completely disappeared… either my new snails are carnivorous, or it’s just a baffling mystery.
I’ve had a 5-10 gallon fish tank on my kitchen counter for going on 15 years. I love having one, even though at times the maintenance can be frustrating & challenging.


My friend and former neighbor Martha [we lived next to each other for 7 years before I moved to Ipswich to live with hubby] is downsizing, and asked if I’d come to her house last week to see if I’d be interested in anything she was getting rid of. Yay!