Month: <span>May 2015</span>
Month: May 2015

Maui, Hawaii 2015 – Part 4

I promise I will be posting about actual DIY stuff soon! For the past 5 weeks I have been fully engulfed in a manic frenzy of epic proportions to get all my photos from 1987-2015 cataloged and pared down. Here is my final Hawaii post, covering surf lessons, sea turtles & geckos.

Maui, Hawaii 2015 – Part 3

Jim and I traveled to Maui, Hawaii last April. I posted about our first 5 days back in May but never got around to posting about the end of our trip. Now that I’ve spent about 40 hours organizing my digital photo collection from 2001-2015, I finally took the time to go through the rest of the Maui photos. Here are the highlights from our 6th & 7th day on the beautiful island of Maui.

Maui, Hawaii 2015 – Part 1

Finally, over 2 weeks after getting home from Maui, Hawaii, I present you with my first post, which covers days 1, 2 & 3. It discusses our sort-of botched snorkeling trip, our discovery of a hidden Japanese temple, and a freak rain storm that trapped us at the hotel for the last few hours of day 3!

New Fish Tank Friends!

EDIT: Bizarrely, since writing this post the other day, one of my 4 cherry barb fish has completely disappeared… either my new snails are carnivorous, or it’s just a baffling mystery.
I’ve had a 5-10 gallon fish tank on my kitchen counter for going on 15 years. I love having one, even though at times the maintenance can be frustrating & challenging.


My friend and former neighbor Martha [we lived next to each other for 7 years before I moved to Ipswich to live with hubby] is downsizing, and asked if I’d come to her house last week to see if I’d be interested in anything she was getting rid of. Yay!