Front Hall Overhaul – Part 13
Front Hall Overhaul – Part 13

Front Hall Overhaul – Part 13

I have been making slow but steady progress on the front hall for the past few weekends, despite being sick and feverish for half of this week/weekend.  I do a little work, rest a little, do a little more, take a 4 hour nap, etc.  I know I should relax and rest 100% but I have a hard time with that…  Last weekend I mixed the perfect color for the walls & finished the closet shelf:

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The walls are a custom mix of Benjamin Moore Kendall Charcoal and white.  This weekend I decided to paint the ceiling Kendall Charcoal to complement the slate floor.  First I painted a test spot:


Hubby was skeptical but I really liked it, so I did the rest:

225c2        painting the ceiling in the front hall kendall charcoal

I also re-painted most of the trim.  I just have a little left for tomorrow.

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Tomorrow I’m also hoping to [finally] move the 2 piles of closet shelf crap from the dining room floor – where they’ve been since March – back onto the closet shelf:

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It’s mostly extra motorcycle stuff.

And look!  The disco ball’s updated position in the upstairs hallway paid off!  When the sun shines through the skylight the whole hallway sparkles:

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I love it!!!

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      1. Alison, remember when I said your disco ball-hanging struggle would make a good safety lesson for work? Would it be OK if I showed your photos of the ladder setup and some text in my staff meeting? You would be totally anonymous, but as I’m a writer, I’m careful about copyright infringement and wanted to be sure you knew I was doing this. I just think it’s a good (and entertaining) lesson on taking safety chances at home. If you’d rather I didn’t use it, I won’t–promise! But if it’s OK, that would be cool!

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