Yard Lanterns – Part 2
Yard Lanterns – Part 2

Yard Lanterns – Part 2

In case you missed it, here is the previous link for this now-completed project:


All I can say is:  It’s freaking amazing to have working lights in the back yard!!!  And they look so pretty:

275o        275p

I’ve lived in the condo since 2012.  For the first 2 years, I didn’t even realize the ugly black things stuck to the wall in the back yard were the remnants of old flood lights:

back of house / condo 2 outside yard outlets that i need to wire lanterns to        weird black yard light/lantern receptacle on the right side

I mean, YUK.

Last year I finally recognized them for what they were, and this year I did something about it!

After spending hours scouring the internet for yard lights, hubby and I narrowed it down to 4 choices:

275q2        275r2

275s2        275t2

I liked the Kenroy Home one the best [#3] & hubby liked the Designers Edge Industrial one the best [#4].  And since hubby’s choice would save us $180 [we needed two], and I also liked the industrialness of #4, we went with that one [#affiliate].  I also like that many people on Amazon posted pictures of the cages of their industrial lights spray painted different colors – white, black, purple.  Hubby suggested we leave them grey for now, so I said OK – but it’s nice to know it’s an easy fix if we decide they’d look better white or black.  They arrived on Sunday [it’s always weird getting mail on Sunday], and I spent a whopping 20 minutes hanging them up.  So easy.  Connect the wires and screw the base to the wall:


Screw in a lightbulb [we used 75W LED standard-sized bulbs], screw on the glass cylinder, and screw on the cage over the glass.  So easy!  And we love how they look:

275m        275n

Here’s another view of the finished product at sunset last night:

275o        275p


Another item I can check off my 2016 Projects list!

Here are some random photos for your viewing pleasure.  A few shots from my most recent walk through Ipswich:

275a        275b

275c        275d

Our house looked so pretty walking home across the Ipswich Green:


Here’s Franc, Nibbler, & Clarabell enjoying some whipped cream:

275f        275g

Here’s a shot of my Kitty Bike on the first day I rode it to work [last Friday]:


My Orchid Cactus is ELATED to be outside for the nice summer breezes and has at least 10 flowers:

275i        275j

Darwin sleeping in my motorcycle tail bag, which is currently on the dining room table:


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  1. Anne

    Loved all four choices for outdoor lights – and the one you chose is just perfect! The photos of your house at sunset with new lights illuminated are spectacular. So pretty – great job!

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