In case you missed it, here is the previous link for this now-completed project:
All I can say is: It’s freaking amazing to have working lights in the back yard!!! And they look so pretty:
I’ve lived in the condo since 2012. For the first 2 years, I didn’t even realize the ugly black things stuck to the wall in the back yard were the remnants of old flood lights:
I mean, YUK.
Last year I finally recognized them for what they were, and this year I did something about it!
After spending hours scouring the internet for yard lights, hubby and I narrowed it down to 4 choices:
I liked the Kenroy Home one the best [#3] & hubby liked the Designers Edge Industrial one the best [#4]. And since hubby’s choice would save us $180 [we needed two], and I also liked the industrialness of #4, we went with that one [#affiliate]. I also like that many people on Amazon posted pictures of the cages of their industrial lights spray painted different colors – white, black, purple. Hubby suggested we leave them grey for now, so I said OK – but it’s nice to know it’s an easy fix if we decide they’d look better white or black. They arrived on Sunday [it’s always weird getting mail on Sunday], and I spent a whopping 20 minutes hanging them up. So easy. Connect the wires and screw the base to the wall:
Screw in a lightbulb [we used 75W LED standard-sized bulbs], screw on the glass cylinder, and screw on the cage over the glass. So easy! And we love how they look:
Here’s another view of the finished product at sunset last night:
Another item I can check off my 2016 Projects list!
Here are some random photos for your viewing pleasure. A few shots from my most recent walk through Ipswich:
Our house looked so pretty walking home across the Ipswich Green:
Here’s Franc, Nibbler, & Clarabell enjoying some whipped cream:
Here’s a shot of my Kitty Bike on the first day I rode it to work [last Friday]:
My Orchid Cactus is ELATED to be outside for the nice summer breezes and has at least 10 flowers:
Darwin sleeping in my motorcycle tail bag, which is currently on the dining room table:
The lights are nice. I like the style. I bought a new light for out front months ago, but we still have not installed it. I liked the rest of your pictures as well. Your critters are adorable.
Thanks, Jessica! Looking forward to seeing your new light.
Tolle Wirkung!
Great effect!
Darwin feels comfortable everywhere?
Liebe Grüsse
Yes, Darwin can be comfortable anywhere!
He is too big for my motorcycle bag, but he doesn’t care! Liebe Grüsse, meine Schwester!
Loved all four choices for outdoor lights – and the one you chose is just perfect! The photos of your house at sunset with new lights illuminated are spectacular. So pretty – great job!
thanks, we love them!
They look fabulous. We would like to come over, not this weekend, but next weekend to see all your work. D
that would be excellent. you can bring blueberry muffins.
Will do…