Stained Glass Circles – Part 1
Stained Glass Circles – Part 1

Stained Glass Circles – Part 1

My 2016 Projects list includes “Create 3 difficult stained glass pieces”.  I’ve been wanting to make a stained glass project involving circles for quite a while, so today I cut 9 circles of varying size and color:

257a        257b

I practiced cutting curves, which is hard, but got easier as I went along.  I used my glass grinder to finish each circle.  I didn’t have a pattern, I was just tracing circles using my circle templates & a Sharpie marker:


Then cutting the glass:

257c        257d

You might notice my workshop is no longer in the basement – stay tuned later this week for my workshop reveal 🙂

After cutting my 9 circles I sat on the couch and spent half an hour edging each one with copper foil tape.  I was too tired today to solder the foil edges, so this is as far as I got:

257e        257f

Next up will be soldering the edges.

Happy Zombie Jesus Day!

RIP Aloha 🙁  10/1/2014 – 3/26/2016:

baby rat aloha - a cream and beige rex with curly hair

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    1. Nine Dark Moons

      It’s not too bad when you have a glass grinder! Without a grinder, I think it would be very very hard! I just cut as near to a circle as possible (by cutting straight lines intersecting the edges of the circle until there weren’t any more to cut) and then ground down the rough edges 🙂

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