Tower Hill Botanical Garden October 2021
Tower Hill Botanical Garden October 2021

Tower Hill Botanical Garden October 2021

This Halloween I spent the night in the hospital doing a sleep study.  Entertaining, yet boring.  LAST Halloween [aka 2021] we spent our Halloween night at New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill in Boylston, MA.  I associate “Boylston” with Boston so much that I had no idea there was an actual Boylston, MA.  It’s just NE of Worcester, about an hour and a half from us.  I saw an ad on Facebook for their Autumn Illuminated exhibit last year [pic on the left is a screen shot from their ad] and surprised Jim with tickets:


Upon our arrival, the sunset was stunning.  It was too bad their parking lot construction was going on so I couldn’t get better photos of it:


Here are the photos I took as we wandered through the Illuminated gardens.

The lighted garden was smaller than we expected, yet beautiful.  You walk along a circular path that takes you by outdoor art exhibits and sculpture, with a few garden gnomes thrown in (for “Gnomevember”):








The sunset continually added new and amazing colors to the evening:



Final sunset shot as we walked back to the car:

I would highly recommend a visit to this botanical garden and museum.  I’m not sure what mountain range they are in, but it’s beautiful country for sure.

(Visited 81 times, 1 visits today)


    1. It wasn’t crowded because you had to reserve tickets in advance, in 15 minute intervals, which was smart. That way not many people were wandering around at once. Also, it was Halloween night and I reserved the earliest time slot (6pm) since we had to drive 1.5 hours to get there and another 1.5 to get back home. It was lovely!

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