I began painting the chameleon mural on July 4th. I drew him on the canvas’ [based on a photo I found online] and painted the background green. Then added red to the head, legs, and tail:
I added detail to the branch and eye, and also added dark blue and aqua stripes to the body:
Last week I used raspberry to fill in the rest of the body but after living with it a few days decided I didn’t like it – not eye popping enough:
So this weekend I painted over the raspberry with LIME – much better!:
Then I worked on shading the lime. I scooped out 2 little piles of lime paint and added black to one and white to the other. I highlighted the top of the body and shaded the bottom. Before & after [it’s very subtle]:
You can see the color gradients better on the tail:
Then I decided to go full steam ahead and shade the other 2 body colors the same way. I think it came out awesome, especially the aqua:
Next up will be working on the head, legs, & end of tail. The original cameleon I used to base this project on has mostly solid orange/red for those parts:
But I have since found 2 more pics of the same type [Panther?] of chameleon with much more colorful heads, legs, & tail:
I am going to have FUN with this!
It looks great.
Es sieht toll aus.
Liebe Grüsse
You are so patient with your painting. I would either try to finish it all at once or grow bored and never finish. I enjoy watching your progress, though.
Thanks! I still have paintings I haven’t finished, but will eventually
I usually work on the chameleon for 2 hours at a time. I’ve probably put 10+ hours into it and have an equal amount to go, but I enjoy it 
These chameleons are amazing! I’d love to see one in person! I like how they have a pale strip down the side that reads as a shiny highlight. What a fun project!
I would love to see one in person, too! In the original picture the stripe down the middle looks white, but I can see from the 2 new photos that it’s actually a beautiful sky blue. So cool!
Wow – he’s spectacular!
Thanks! It’s fun to watch the progress as I go