Click HERE to see the results of my 2013 intoxicated painting session.
As I’ve said before, I rarely get drunk [which is why there were no 2014 or 2015 Intoxicated Art posts]. I enjoy a nice glass of wine with dinner, or some Mike’s Hard Mango Punch on the weekends, but it’s not often I decide to really let go. But sometimes I do, and sometimes while in a state of joyful inebriation I feel compelled to be creative. Two weekends ago I drank 4 Mike’s Mango Punches and informed hubby that I absolutely HAD TO GO PAINT. I headed up to the girl cave and an hour later had 3 new paintings to show for it:
I framed 2 of them for gifts [the one on the right is for hubby’s office]:
And I’m keeping the 3rd one for myself. I’ll probably make a frame for it, since it’s stretched canvas and won’t fit into a regular frame.
The 2 framed ones were painted with acrylic on 9×12″ canvas board. The 3rd one was painted with acrylic on 10×14″ canvas. All 3 were actually “do overs”, which is my favorite thing about painting: being able to wipe the slate clean so to speak [with a coat of white paint] and start fresh:
They were actually 3 of the 4 I did in 2013 while intoxicated [I never really liked how those ones came out]:
Although I did finally frame the 4th painting from that night and gave it to our friend Torrey this afternoon:
I added it to the temporary row in the living room:
Like before, I made a mess this time, too, but thankfully not as bad. The casualties were primarily my iPig, my iPod [they still work fine, they’re just a bit more colorful], and what used to be a plain black t-shirt:
I have no idea why I’m wearing sunglasses in that photo. “I was drunk” is probably the only explanation needed.
Even thought I didn’t like the 4 paintings I did while intoxicated in 2013, the 3 I did 2 weekends ago and the 2 I did while intoxicated in 2007 are among my top favorite paintings:
Amazing Creativ !
If I get drunk, I can only sleep.
Liebe Grüsse
I usually get really giggly and hyper! Then I sleep after.
Wow, these are outstanding! I would display ant one of them! Maybe you should drink more often? Might be worth it!
LOL!!! Maybe when I retire and become a full time painter
You have a good eye while drunk!
I know LOL! I wish I could tap into it while sober…