Kitchen Cabinet Bulletin Board
Kitchen Cabinet Bulletin Board

Kitchen Cabinet Bulletin Board

This is project #3 on my 2015 Projects list.  I got the idea from the Young House Love blog and thought it would be perfect for our kitchen.

For the past year I’ve stuck little notes to the inside of the cabinet door near the stove:


Mostly to remind myself how to defrost English Muffins in the microwave or how long to boil eggs.

Two weeks ago, during my blitz of errands, one of the things I bought was a package of cork board tiles:


The package included 4 tiles & 16 double-sided sticky pads.

I held 2 tiles up to the cabinet door and was happy to find they’d both fit, with room to spare [I couldn’t photograph that since I didn’t have enough arms and hubby was at the gym]:


I stuck 4 pads to the corners of board #1, removed the outer layer of protective film, and got it ready to stick to the door:

158c        158d

It hung fine, but I realized it sagged a little between the sticky pads, particularly along the bottom edge.  I didn’t photograph that because I thought I could carefully un-stick the board from the cupboard, add 4 more sticky pads, and re-stick it.  But it sort of exploded into cork shrapnel when I pried one edge off… So it went in the trash:


OK, board #2, you’re up!  This time I got smarter and cut the 4 sticky pads in half to maximize their placement:


And it worked beautifully!  I got 2 boards hung and they looked great:


Except the top one was placed fractionally more to the left than the bottom one.  Which really bugged me.  Because I’m OCD like that.  No one else would have noticed or cared, but I knew, and it bugged me.  So it, too, exploded into cork shrapnel and joined it’s brother in the trash.

Lets just say I was very thankful that 4 tiles came in a pack!  A few minutes later, perfection [that’s Darwin giving me his approval]:

kitchen cabinet bulletin / cork board project        158j

My 3 little notes look very lonely on the boards.  Young House Love [of course, since everything they did was perfect gag] covered their boards immediately with notes & recipes and the end product looked like something out of a catalog.  Eventually I’m sure I will find more things to tack up.  But for now, I love it just how it is.

I think this was the quickest DIY project yet – even with the 2 placement debacles!  15 minutes start to finish.  I could have done it in less than 5 if I knew what I was doing before I started 🙂

UPDATE 8/20/2015:

The sticky pads were CRAP. Both boards fell off the cupboard within weeks. I then tried folded over duct tape [making it double sided] and that didn’t work either! My next plan is heavy duty outdoor grade double-sided tape.

UPDATE 9/14/2015:

Scotch Exterior Double-Sided Mounting Tape worked wonders!

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  1. Abbie

    At the old house we took a piece of Galvi and put it over the panel of one of the cabinets but it was too heavy for double stick so Briggs got glazer points and fastened it that way. Worked great for magnets. A different metal finish might even work with dry erase markers. When we moved took it down no damage to the cabinet.

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