We Haz Grass!
We Haz Grass!

We Haz Grass!

Not REAL grass, but it looks real nods.  And it’s very soft on the feet.  I love it much better than the ugly gravel!  I found it on Amazon [#affiliate].  It comes in tons of sizes but I decided to buy 2 of the 3⅓ x 5″ pieces for $42 each.  I LOVE IT!!!

Here’s a “before” shot of the gravel:

Each piece came in a roll and has ventilation holes cut into it for water drainage.  I also bought a box of 50 landscape staples [#affiliate]:


I hammered the staples in with a, um, hammer:


One piece down!  I had a lot of trouble with hammering the staples into the gravel – many bent and I had to toss them:


But once the 2nd piece was hammered down, I stood back and fell in love [Darwin was relaxing in the catio and keeping an eye on things]:


Here are some action shots – if the whole yard was furnished in this stuff, it would be very hard to tell it’s not real:




I installed it last weekend and gaze at it lovingly as often as possible 🙂

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  1. Nice! There are some really good artificial grass products out there. I’ve been noticing them at the Home Show, and I would totally use artificial turf if we were landscaping a new house. Hmm … maybe I should put this in the backyard for Duke!

    1. Nine Dark Moons

      there’s some amazing products out there – i was so happy to find something that looks fairly real for an affordable price. although the larger pieces are lots of $$$! i wish we had a yard that wasn’t shaped like a weird triangle so i could cover the whole thing. but i’m happy with the 2 pieces we do have 🙂 you should totally get a piece for Duke’s corner! probably be more economical in the long run than “digger Duke” dug-up lawn!

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