OMG There’s So Much Going On!
OMG There’s So Much Going On!

OMG There’s So Much Going On!

I have been doing some tidying up behind-the-scenes here at  I have broken the RIVER page into 3 sections:  one for the adorable critters we’ve photographed from our living room and yard, one for the 2010 flood, and one for the 2006 flood.

UPDATE 5/29/2019:

The RIVER page is back to just critters.

I also tided up the PROJECTS page, and condensed the two 2015 pages into one.  Much better.

Last weekend I got to spend some time with my BFF and her twin 2 year old girls – they’re soooooo cute:

188a       188b

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This week I rode my motorcycle to work 3 times and crossed the 2,000 mile mark on the odometer – woohoo [I bought it 3 years ago]:

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Bonkers has figured out how to jump up onto the TV platform and worm his way around all my tools to Birdie’s access points and has gotten himself back into the alcove [grrrrrrrrrr]:

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So I just went down to my basement workshop, grabbed a spare scrap of luan, and used tiny nails to tack it to the wall so he can’t get around to Birdie’s side anymore [I essentially c**k-blocked the poor, confused thing]:

188i       188k

It’s not a permanent solution but it buys us time until we can figure out what to do!

The garden is blooming!  With more about to pop:

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And the new Black and Decker WorkMate 425 that I bought for Abbie is now all set up in MY basement!  She wanted her old one back, so we traded.  I love having a WorkMate of my own!

my new black and decker workmate 425

I also started work on the catio DOOR!  But you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to hear about that.

AND we got approval from the Town of Ipswich to have replacement windows installed!  Woohoo!  After 2 weeks of waiting we got our permit 🙂

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  1. Anne

    Congrats on the permit – your new windows will be SO much better.
    Abbie’s girls are beyond adorable. LOVE their outfits.
    Bonkers is totally out of control.
    Your flowers are gorgeous.
    And I’m not commenting on your frequent mode of transportation when you go back and forth to work.

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