OMG Errands.
OMG Errands.

OMG Errands.

I had today off from work.  I had some extra vacation time built up, so I’ve taken 3 Wednesdays off over the past couple months.  I like taking Wednesday off because you work two days, have one day off, work two days, have two days off.  Much more relaxing than long weekends.  Long weekends tend to entail GETTING STUFF DONE.  By taking random Wednesdays off I can either get stuff done or do nothing at all.  Last month I went to IKEA on one of my Wednesdays off.  I prefer shopping on weekdays because the stores are blissfully vacant, so Wednesdays are perfect for errands.

I had a whole list of errands to do today.  Hubby is sick, so we ended up sleeping in together until 10 which was heaven!  Then he decided to go to work at noon, so I decided to do all my errands.  I had a very successful day!

I started off at Dawson’s Hardware where I picked up some painting supplies, including an empty paint can!  I didn’t even know you could buy empty paint cans, but I asked, and you can:


I bought a quart can and a gallon can.  There’s been this gallon of white paint in the basement since I moved in, which is the paint used on all the wooden trim in the house.  I have no idea what color it is.  It’s sort of a subtle linen white with a nice sheen.  For the past year, the original can has been getting more and more corroded, to the point where the cover won’t fit on tight anymore.  So the paint has started to lose moisture and get thicker.  Today, after getting home, I poured the trim paint from the gnarly can into the shiny new generic can, using a kitchen rubber scraper to get it all out.  Then I added 1T of water and stirred it up really well.  It was still a tiny bit thick, so I added a tsp of water and stirred it up and that seemed perfect.  So now we have re-hydrated trim paint in a shiny, new can – woohoo!

After the hardware store I headed to Target.  I bought a door mat for outside our front door [one of those things I didn’t know I needed until I walked by it]:


I also got fat [heavy duty] hangers for the front hall closet:


I think from now on my motto is going to be “I’m not fat, I’m heavy duty!”  I didn’t know how much I’d need so I got 5 packs of 5.  At $3.50/pack, they were quite a bargain!

And I got an IRON!  The iron is for the awesome trick/idea that Jessica & D’Arcy told me about in the comments of my last post, about how you can buy iron-on veneer strips to dress up ugly plywood edges – how did I not know about this before?  I found a really helpful YouTube video about it and the man [the “wood whisperer”] said you need an iron.  We don’t have an iron.  Hubby has a super fancy iron press, but we don’t have a regular iron.  So I bought the cheapest one at Target [$13]:

black and decker variable steam iron

On a side note, I couldn’t find veneer strips [#affiliate] at the hardware store, or the little wooden roller [#affiliate] the YouTube dude said is essential, so I ordered them both from Amazon this afternoon. I can’t wait until they arrive and I can start making my plywood pretty!

After Target I went to Michael’s and bought cork-board squares for my forthcoming kitchen cabinet bulletin board [#3 on my 2015 Projects list]:


As well as black foam board which is one of the things I want to try using for mobiles:

149g        149h

Then I went across the street to AC Moore and found MORE mobile supplies:

mobile supplies - wooden discs of various sizes

Plywood discs in varying sizes.  I’m going to paint them, drill holes in them, and mobile them.

After that I went to the Honda dealership and got the oil change my car has been begging for.  And finally to Petco to end my crazy errand day!

Don’t the coats and jackets look nice on their fat [sorry, “heavy duty”] hangers, in their nice, newly painted closet?


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  1. Abbie

    Before you do the veneer look into if it is heat or steam that activates the glue . if it is heat you want to find an iron with out steam holes. This is something I was told about by one of the carpenters at the yard. It may not be important but worth looking into.

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