Maui, Hawaii 2019 – Part 5
Maui, Hawaii 2019 – Part 5

Maui, Hawaii 2019 – Part 5

Breakfast with a view is always nice, especially in Hawaii:


Pop, Susie, & Auntie left earlier than we did, so on our 2nd to last day we spent all afternoon at the Maui Tropical Plantation.  We had visited in 2015 and were looking forward to getting back to see all the beautiful flowers and animals.  I never get tired of seeing gold dust day geckos, roosters, or chickens:

gold dust day gecko maui hawaii       

This chicken had made herself at home in a window box at the Plantation – everyone who saw her couldn’t help but smile:


Beautiful flowers:



Jim bought a little bag of feed and had fun feeding ducks and nēnē geese:


Seeing a nēnē is always a treat – the endangered state bird of Hawaii is a distant relative of the Canada goose:


A turtle was enjoying some fish feed:


And now we meet this awesome black crowned night heron.  He was a beauty:


Jim & I were laughing when he got into a territorial hissing fit with a nēnē:


He thought better of his decision to confront the nēnē and found his own rock:


We watched him fishing – it was so cool to see his attempts:


And finally his success:


I took these next 4 with my Nikon – I can’t get over his red eye:



A rainbow in Maui is almost always a given but never taken for granted:


I have one more Maui post to write!  Stay tuned!

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