Living Room Cupboard – Part 7
Living Room Cupboard – Part 7

Living Room Cupboard – Part 7

Last night, hubby and I decided we didn’t like the lip on the living room cupboard top [too thick] OR the base [too white].  So this morning, at 7am, I unscrewed the lip [I used screws instead of glue for just that reason!], removed 2 of the cupboard doors [I don’t want to commit to the whole thing unless we like the raspberry], taped up half the cupboard, and put 3 coats of Benjamin Moore Night Flower on the frame and doors.  Hubby also suggested the door handles would look better darker, like the hinges.  Agreed!  So I brought the handles outside and sprayed them with Rustoleum Metallic.  So far, everything is looking good!  The frame and doors will need one more coat of Night Flower [bringing the total layers of paint & primer up to TEN! – ugh!], which I’ll do tomorrow after the first 3 dry overnight.

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Stay tuned for another update later this week… I’m hoping to pick up the luan veneer tomorrow after work.  Our local hardware store is closed Sundays, and I’m too lazy to drive up the highway to Home Depot…

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