Downstairs Cat Platforms – Part 4
Downstairs Cat Platforms – Part 4

Downstairs Cat Platforms – Part 4

Last week I decided to expand the downstairs hall cat platform around the corner into the living room to give Birdie greater access to the goings on in the house.

I got a new platform cut, primed and painted:

86t        86v

Last night I bolted it to the wall and it looks awesome:

87a        87b

Instead of shelving brackets like I usually use for cat platforms, hubby requested L-shaped brackets so they wouldn’t interfere with the stuff we have on top of the TV cupboard.  I used 4 – two underneath the corner and two on top of the wine rack:

87c        87d

Once the zebra fleece blanket was laid on top, you couldn’t see the top brackets at all:

87e        87f

Darwin approved:


I’m working from home today [car is in the shop – banged this post out on my lunch break] and got to witness the awesomeness that was Birdie investigating the platform extension for the first time!

First she checked up the stairs to make sure it was safe [aka no Bonkers lurking]:


Then there was the slow creep around the corner into “new territory”:

87h        87i

And finally the hop down to the TV cupboard!  Yay!!!


Darwin was keeping a close eye on the proceedings, but thankfully from a respectful distance:


Birdie made her way to the far end of the TV cupboard and I thought she was going to jump to the couch, but instead she decided to investigate behind the TV:

87l        87m

That got Darwin’s full attention [notice he went from “lazy sprawl” to “poised and alert”]:

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Behind the TV has always been one of HIS secret places.  After Birdie came back out, she did finally jump over to the couch:

87p        87q

birdie investigating the new living room cat platform        birdie investigating the new living room cat platform and couch

And Darwin went back to being casually curious:


Birdie didn’t spend very long on the couch – she pretty much jumped straight to the floor and tried to run upstairs before being thwarted by Bonkers, who was sitting at the top.  D’oh!


But at least the platform extension was a resounding success!  Now that Birdie’s used it once, I’m hoping she’ll use it all the time to join hubby and I on the couch at night while we watch TV 🙂

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