Downstairs Cat Platforms – Part 2

Over the course of the past week I cut, primed and installed a “step” for the downstairs hall cat platforms, making the downstairs hall cat platforms officially complete.  Hopefully the step will make it easier for Birdie to jump up and down off the main platforms.  The chair I had there in the interim wasn’t working very well [too low & too awkward].  I ran out of swanky shelf brackets, so I had to make due with some ugly ones from the local hardware store.  Sprayed white, they’re not too horrid, and they’re low enough that they don’t really show.  Here’s the finished product, with a catnip lobster hanging for Bonkers:

80a        80b

80c        80d

That’s Birdie in the last picture, enjoying the main platform [and ignoring the new step] this morning.  You can see a tiny bit of Bonkers’ back at the bottom right of the last picture.  He’s never far away!

If we’re friends on Facebook you’ve seen some recent pictures I took of the kitties interacting with the new platforms:

Bonkers, who can’t jump, always has his eyes trained on Birdie.  In the first picture he’s across the room sitting on the ceiling fan box, intently gazing at her.  And in the 2nd pic he’s gotten himself right up under her *sigh*:

80e        80f

And last week Darwin realized he could sit next to Birdie, in a manner of speaking, while she’s on the wine rack blanket and he’s on the TV cupboard:

80h        80g

He peeked around the corner and got hissed at… heh 🙂

Hopefully Birdie will use the new step.  If not, I’ll have to come up with a plan B.

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