Beach Glass Pendant
Beach Glass Pendant

Beach Glass Pendant

After making Jessica’s star, I finally converted my friend Christyne’s spectacular piece of beach glass into a pendant for her.  She found it on the beach last December:

It’s been sitting on my workbench since Spring.  So after teaching Diane and after making the 2 stars, I grabbed the beach glass and did my best.  Having never made anything jewelry-like, I wasn’t sure how to proceed.  I ground down the edges then wrapped the piece in copper foil, soldering the foil to turn it silver.  Then I carefully wrapped a piece of 14 gauge pre-tinned copper wire around the piece, and soldered it to the foil for added strength.  A wire loop at the top was all it needed to turn into instant jewelry:

Here’s a closeup of the front & back:


I know the flower is sideways now, but I was focusing on the shape of the pendant, and which way it would look the best while hanging.  Christyne loves it and said she gets many compliments:


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    1. Nine Dark Moons

      I wouldn’t have thought of making the seaglass into a pendant – but I’m glad I gave it a try and that it came out so well. I have seaglass somewhere that I collected when I was little. Maybe I’ll try making some more jewelry with it some time.

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