Architectural Salvage
Architectural Salvage

Architectural Salvage

Last week I stumbled upon the website for Architectural Salvage, Inc. which is only 40 minutes north of us in Exeter, NH.  It looks like they have some really awesome stuff, including old wooden doors [need!], reclaimed barn wood [want!], stained glass windows, leaded glass windows, cool hardware, and funky light fixtures.  I told hubby we’re going on a roadtrip soon!

Here’s an old train station door they’re selling [so cool], and a leaded glass spider web window I’m completely swooning over [although I just found a DIY version I like even better – see bottom of post]:

25a        25b

I grew up in antique houses, full of antique doors with beautiful, antique glass knobs [many of them tinged purple with age].  Contrarily, our condo is full of crappy hollow-core doors with brass colored door knobs [WOOF ugly].  They give me agita every time I look at them.  And since the original part of my house was built in 1716, I think vintage doors would be a nice nod to its history.  Here’s some I found via Google Image Search, to give you an idea of what I’m envisioning:

25e   25f   25c   25d

We’ll need five total – two for the master bedroom, one for the master bath, one for the girl cave, & one for the downstairs bathroom.  I don’t care if they match, as long as they fit our existing door frames.  I’m hoping Architectural Salvage has some good choices for reasonable prices.  I don’t want to pay more than $100 per door…  We can also check out Nor’East Architectural Antiques, LLC, which is right over the NH border, only 30 minutes away.  And there’s always Craigslist!

While I was writing this post, I did a quick search for “spider web window” and found a post by Kim of starshinechic featuring a DIY leaded glass spider web window her husband made for her.  It’s A·M·A·Z·I·N·G and even has a prism in the middle:

25h         25i

stained glass spider web window

Now that I know it’s possible to make one, I’m TOTALLY. LEARNING. HOW.  My best friend Abbie knows how to make DIY stained glass windows, which seem to be the same concept as the spider web window.  I’m hoping she can give me a quick overview… I watched her make one a long time ago, but I don’t remember how she did it.  Just that it required soldering, and breaking glass into specific shapes.  Abbie’s been making amazing DIY stuff since I’ve known her [the first day of 3rd grade back in 1979!]  Holy cow 🙂

UPDATE 10/11/2015:

I made my own stained glass spider web!

diy stained glass spider web        diy stained glass spider web hanging in living room window

UPDATE 7/9/2018:

I still haven’t made it to Architectural Salvage, Inc.!  Someday.

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