Happy 1st Blogiversary to Me!

Today marks one year of blogging!  In honor of that, I’ve tidied up some old posts, renamed a bunch to help me link back to older projects, and updated the layout to a more streamlined “thumbnail & post excerpt” format. Looking back over the past year, I realize just how much I’ve learned about DIY and how far I’ve come! I’ve acquired some invaluable DIY tools including an Articulating Ladder, Palm Sander, Dremmel, and Shop-Vac.

I’ve also acquired some new skills including how to use grout, joint compound, and wood stain.  I’ve built a spice rack, created some cat platforms, took a course in “Basic Home Repair“, painted the laundry room, living room cupboard, and girl cave.  Along the way I have had many break-downs, bruises, mistakes, “a-ha” moments, & celebrations.  It’s been an amazing first year and I look forward to seeing what I can accomplish between now and my 2nd Blogiversary!  Thank you all for joining me on my journey of learning, home improvement, and personal growth.  I think I deserve some cake 🙂

1st blogiversary cake 1 candle

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