I Sawzall’d the Legs Off Our Sideboard
II SSaawwzzaalllldd tthhee LLeeggss OOffff OOuurr SSiiddeebbooaarrdd

I Sawzall’d the Legs Off Our Sideboard

Now that we have new replacement windows [W00T!], I’ve been able to secure the cat door in the dining room window.  Once I finish building the connector, the cats will be able to use the cat door to access their outdoor cat enclosure.  We’ve always had a sage green file storage cabinet / sideboard / credenza thingy in front of the window.  I don’t have a great “before” picture of it, but you can see it in the distance of the 1st pic, and next to Bonkers in the 2nd:

dining room looking out towards river        bonkers sitting on the dining room floor

We bought it from Home Decorators Collection in either late 2012 or early 2013:

Hubby had a genius suggestion when we were about to move it back in front of the window yesterday, after the replacement window installation dudes left:  cut the legs off right underneath the 3 file drawers so it’s flush with the window sill, instead of being a foot higher:


After 5 minutes with my trusty sawzall, the legs were history.  It was SO MUCH FUN!  I haven’t used my sawzall in forever!  Seeing the window replacement dudes using theirs to hack through the living room window’s metal braces gave me all the inspiration I needed:

198f        sawzalling the legs off the dining room file cabinet / sideboard / console

Now it’s perfect:

198d        198e

The perfect height for the kitties to use their cat door into the outdoor cat enclosure:

dining room file cabinet / sideboard / console and cat door

Even Bonkers can jump up on that!  Although perhaps I should add a layer of grip-tape…

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    1. Nine Dark Moons

      Ooooooooooooo – good point! Jim is the brains and I’m the brawn. He’s got many brilliant suggestions 🙂 [not really – we’re both pretty good at sharing the brains and the brawns!]

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