2 New Projects Added to my List
2 New Projects Added to my List

2 New Projects Added to my List

I have added 2 new projects to my list of things to do in 2020.  Even though I haven’t done anything yet on the existing list, I added two more:

[1] Tile the downstairs bathroom floor with wood-look tile.  Putting hardwood flooring in a bathroom is almost as bad as having carpet.  Wood absorbs liquids and moisture.  And over time, smells.  Gross:

i would love to tile the downstairs bathroom but probably won't

Hubby’s not sold on the idea, as it would require removing the toilet and pedestal sink for a day or 3.  But I’d love to do this at some point this year.  After tiling the laundry room of course!  Which has been on my to do list for years.

UPDATE 5/20/20:

I have since trashed this project, after receiving comments about how nice the wood looks and have decided instead to investigate better cleaning products so the wood doesn’t smell like pee.

[2] Use the new pressure washer [#affiliate] hubby got me for my birthday [happy squeak!] to wash the dirt off the front of the house, and the algae off the bulkhead & deck:

the front of our house needs some major cleaning         the basement bulkhead needs some major cleaning

our deck needs some major cleaning

Meanwhile, I’ve been stocking up on food, booze, & pet food in case we end up being quarantined at home for a few weeks:

pet food supplies for covid quarantine        wine and vodka supplies for covid quarentine

first major food run 3 weeks before covid hit        food storage for covid quarantine

Better safe than sorry.  We already have enough paper goods thanks to a recent semi-annual Costco run.

At least Spring is finally showing itself!

it's always nice to see crocus coming up in spring

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  1. AnneV

    I agree with Jessica, although if you use tile, I think white ceramic tile (for instance) would look better than wood-look tile.
    Your energy level and expertise continues to amaze.

    1. Nine Dark Moons

      No floods. It just constantly smells like pee… after like 20+ years of pee slowly soaking down below the floorboards I don’t think there’s any way to get it out. But I will investigate. I do agree that it looks really nice with the continuous floor. I inherited my mom’s super strength sense of smell, so I don’t think most people would notice it. My husband never has.

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