Winter 2019 in Photos
Winter 2019 in Photos

Winter 2019 in Photos

I haven’t posted much at all lately [still burnt out from everything I did on furlough!].  I wanted to share some pics from my winter, including a recent trip down to Arlington, VA to visit my brother and his family.

Swans in our River – first time I’ve seen them:


Hooded mergansers fighting over a fish:


Killy eating a snack & Birdie snoozing on the couch:


Birdie yawning, Darwin gazing:


Ninja Vodka & a microwaved peep:


My bro Seth with Millie & my niece Kristen napping with Millie on their deck:


Kristen & I feeding llamas from the safari bus at Reston, VA Zoofari:


My niece Kate feeding a giraffe [Mr. Giraffe had a very wonky tongue]:


My nephew Tyler with my brother Seth, and Kristen showing me her “Snow Good” sweatshirt [for years Hubby and I have always said “it’ssnow good” instead of “it’s no good”, so I loved her sweatshirt:


Kate enjoying some Chinese food & feeding goats at the zoofari:


Birdie pissed off because Darwin is in the new bed, and both kitties keeping me company when I was home sick:


Goldeneye Duck in the River, Killy at the vet:


Killy investigating a cat bed & me photographing ducks in the River:

       me taking photos of ducks in the ipswich river

Me after kickboxing class, and Darwin, our Hogwarts cat:


My first EVER manicure & pedicure:


Birdie the sun goddess (c/o Hubby), and Birdie LOVING her new bed [thanks to my coworker Susan!]:


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  1. Good to hear from you and good to see everyone thriving! The swans are amazing! I have been so derelict about writing my blog … at times I’ve thought I’d quit, but it’s my spring goal to post some updates. You’ve inspired me! 🙂

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