

We adopted our 3rd rescue cat Birdie in August, 2014.  She was very shy and scared of our 2 rescue boys. I have since built her 25 platforms throughout our house, both upstairs and down, so she can safely be a part of our family without feeling anxious.  She loves all her platforms, especially the ones leading to the alcove above our TV.  Darwin has started to join her, which she allows in small doses 🙂


This was my very first cat platform project, before we adopted Birdie. It allowed Bonkers and Darwin access to bird watching from our dining room window. It also allows them to see what is going on in the driveway and street. The platforms are low enough that Bonkers can pull himself up:

dining room cat platforms bonkers        dining room cat platforms bonkers


birdie using the living room window cat shelf / platform        birdie and darwin on the living room platforms

living room cat shelves        darwin checking out the new living room and downstairs hall cat platforms

birdie enjoying the view from the living room alcove cat platforms        birdie checking out the new living room alcove cat platforms


birdie and darwin hanging out on the downstairs hall and living room cat platforms        birdie sleeping on her new downstairs hall cat platform

downstairs hall cat platforms with red ikea brackets        birdie on the downstairs hall cat platform


My most recent creation was a collection of platforms framing the doorway to the girl cave – Birdie loves them!  She enjoys sunning herself under the skylight, looking out the window, or watching me work in the girl cave:

4 new cat platforms in the upstairs hall

She has a raised litter box here, as well, which allows her to do her business safely away from Bonkers [who can’t jump]:

birdie and her new litter box and privacy screen in the upstairs hallway        birdie in pure bliss mode on her new upstairs hall cat platform

Darwin often joins her on the platforms at night:

cats sleeping on the new upstairs hall cat platorms - birdie on top, darwin below        birdie checking out the new upstairs hall cat platforms

UPDATE 6/28/2018:

I have since removed 4 of the upstairs hall platforms, including the litter box one:

i removed 4 cat platforms in the upstairs hall        i removed 4 cat platforms in the upstairs hall

UPDATE 6/28/2018:

A few weeks ago I redid one of the dining room platforms and added a 2nd:

one of the new indoor dining room window cat platforms        completed product - 2 new indoor dining room window cat platforms!

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