6 Panel Art Project – Part 1
6 Panel Art Project – Part 1

6 Panel Art Project – Part 1

I woke up this morning at 7:00 with a pounding headache [could have been from the 3 Mike’s Hard Lemonade’s I had last night, but I’m thinking it was more the changing weather].  Hubby brought me some aspirin and about an hour later I leaped out of bed and announced “I’m creating art today!” and hubby was like “um… OK?” and I got the girl cave set up to paint by taping down some contractor paper:


Then I dragged out the 6 11×14″ canvas boards that – 10 years ago [!!!] – I drew a large tree on.  I finally felt inspired to work on it.  I’d always planned to paint 3 of the 6 panels in night-time colors, and the other 3 in day-time colors.  When hung together they’ll form one image:

192b        192c

I started with the night-time colors, so I painted the tree black on 3 of the panels:

192d        192e

Then added some night-time background color and some shading on the trees:

192f        192g

Here’s a closeup of each:

6 panel tree painting project - 3 panels of night and 3 panels of day        6 panel tree painting project - 3 panels of night and 3 panels of day

6 panel tree painting project - 3 panels of night and 3 panels of day

Not done with the 3rd one yet, but almost.  After 6 hours of painting I was too exhausted to continue.

Here’s how messy I am when I paint:

i am a very messy painter girl cave art paint mixing on knee        i am a very messy painter girl cave art paint mixing on knee

That would be my knee in the 2nd pic, which I was using to mix paint on…

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    1. Nine Dark Moons

      Thanks, Jo! I’m glad I’M not the only one who let’s projects since around for decades before inspiration hits 🙂 I have a cool idea for the 3 un-painted panels that I hope pans out… stay tuned!

  1. Anne

    Love your art – you’re so good – glad you’re feeling inspired again.
    As concerns how messy you are when you’re creating – When I paint, and it’s trim, windows, walls, etc., that’s how everything looks, including me. That’s why Dad does all the painting and won’t let me near it. The end product of what I paint looks great, but the trail of destruction I leave behind just isn’t worth it.

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