Circle Mosaic Paintings – Part 7

Progress so far:

PART 1        PART 2        PART 3        PART 4        PART 5        PART 6

After work today I added some Emerald green, and by doing so, 2 of the 4 paintings are done!  At least with Phase 1.  To clarify, Phase 1 = getting each shape filled in with paint.  Phase 2 = outlining some of the shapes.  Here’s my progress after today:


After adding the Emerald green, I moved on to Phase 2.  First I lay my plastic circle template [the same one I used to draw the circles on my blank canvases] over the circles I wanted to outline:

131j        131k

First I tried using my 2 paint pens:


But they were horrible.  They blotched white paint on my desk and hands but let out no paint when I used them on my test canvas.  So I went back to my standard tools for doing detail work on paintings:

131g        131l

Fill the little plastic bottle with paint, pop the little plastic cap back on, then screw on the little metal tip.  The metal tip is very similar to a cake decorating tool:

131h        131i

It’s very hard to squeeze the bottle with even pressure as you move it around the canvas.  It’s very easy to do it unevenly, and then you end up with half your circle thicker than the other half.  I did the 2 little circles on this painting first.  They’re both kind of blotchy around the edges [which I’ll fix later with a detail brush and white paint]:

Then I did the bigger circle on this painting, which came out much better:

Practicing first definitely makes a difference!

Here’s what my art table looked like after I finished today:

131e        131d

UPDATE 6/2/18

As of now, this is where I’m at – all 4 are still unfinished:

unfinished circle mosaic art painting - acrylic on 5x5" gesso board        unfinished circle mosaic art painting - acrylic on 5x5" gesso board

unfinished circle mosaic art painting - acrylic on 5x5" gesso board        unfinished circle mosaic art painting - acrylic on 5x5" gesso board

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