Master Bath Double-Sink Vanity
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Master Bath Double-Sink Vanity

This post focuses on the double vanity we had installed [back in September 2012!] in our master bathroom.  Jim has always maintained that double sinks are the key to a happy marriage and now that we have them, I’d agree!

When I first moved into the condo, there was a marble topped, single sink’d vanity in the master bathroom [my father-in-law took these pics when Jim first bought the condo]:

154d        154b

154c        154a

It was very nice, but just had the one sink.

We didn’t have much space to work with.  The bathroom isn’t very large, and there are 2 doors [one to the bedroom & one to the upstairs hall] as well as a tub.  Thankfully IKEA makes very small, double sink’d vanities!  They aren’t selling the one we bought anymore, which is too bad.  We like it due to the round sinks and the faucets placed at an angle:

154e        154f

The whole thing measures 40″ x 19″ and is 35½” tall.  It’s perfect and we love it!  The vanity doesn’t have much counter space, so we installed a couple of wall shelves on the left:


But it has tons of drawer space:


Our friend Briggs [Abbie’s husband] installed it for us.  That was way back – pre blog – before I knew I was capable of doing such things myself!

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  1. Jessica @CapeofDreams

    I have never understood the need for double sinks, but then my husband and I are are very different schedules. Are you and Jim often in the bathroom together?

    1. Nine Dark Moons

      Yes, we have the same exact work and sleep schedule, so we’re always in there together! The double sinks are a HUGE help, especially when he’s trying to shave and I’m trying to put on makeup and need the 2nd sink to wash foundation off my hands, etc. Or when we’re both brushing our teeth at the same time. HUGE help!

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