Front Hall Overhaul – Part 2
Front Hall Overhaul – Part 2

Front Hall Overhaul – Part 2

Guess who went to the local hardware store after work and bought a full sheet of ¾” plywood?  That’s right, this girl!  Woohoo!  I don’t know why I love plywood so much… probably because it’s the first wood I’ve ever bought and I haven’t graduated to “real” wood yet.

As an aside, I had no idea a full sheet of ¾” fancy plywood runs $55… that was a bit of a shocker, but I am going to be able to use it for soooooo many projects, so it’s all good.  I had the hardware store cut me a 22×51″ piece for the new front hall closet shelf, which I’ll prime and paint white tomorrow [I am on a much-needed vacation day from work tomorrow – yay!!!].  And I had them cut the remaining piece in half so it would fit in my car.  Behold my glorious array of new plywood pieces:


When I got back from the store I was running my hands over my new plywood [basically patting it and fawning over it] and telling hubby how much I love fancy plywood and he said “wait, there are different grades of plywood?”.  Why yes, hubby, yes there are!  To demonstrate, I went down to the basement and brought up the old closet shelf, which was crap plywood [no offense, hubby, I know you bought it].  It’s thin, brittle, and full of knot holes.  Crap plywood closet shelf on the left, new fancy plywood closet shelf on the right:


Here’s a closeup comparisons [crap on the left, fancy on the right]:

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I also bought some supplies to help me craft a great closet shelf.  Thanks to Jessica & D’Arcy I learned you can iron veneer stripping onto the edge of the plywood to make it purty!  That will be an adventure for later this week or this weekend.  Here’s my new $13 iron [made in China – it’ll be strictly a DIY iron…], my new little wooden roller [#affiliate], and my roll of veneer edging [#affiliate] in “birch”:



And I replaced the nasty old, stained rug:

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With this cool, swirly doormat from Amazon [#affiliate] [Darwin is your floor model this evening]:

darwin sleeping on the new swirly front entrance hall rug        darwin sleeping on the new swirly front entrance hall rug

I will end this post with some cuteness.  Here’s all 5 rat babies waking up on Sunday morning:

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And here’s Bonkers this morning having a love affair with a piece of Easter plastic bag that came with something I ordered from eBay:


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  1. Jessica @CapeofDreams

    Do you know about the iron on veneer tape you can use to finish off plywood edges? Someone that loves plywood as much as you do would really be eba ores of that stuff. It’s awesome. Almost as awesome as rat babies waking up or cats and bags, but nothing could be that great.

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