Circle Mosaic Paintings – Part 6
Circle Mosaic Paintings – Part 6

Circle Mosaic Paintings – Part 6

HOLY CRAP!  The last time I worked on my circle mosaic paintings was back on January 14!  I didn’t know it had been that long… I’ve been meaning to work on them almost daily, but never set aside enough time.

Today I added some primary red and canary yellow highlights:

one of my circle mosaic paintings - acrylic on 5x5" gesso board        one of my circle mosaic paintings - acrylic on 5x5" gesso board

I’m getting there.  A few more colors and I’ll be done with phase 1.  You can definitely tell I’m right handed:

working on my set of 4 circle mosaic paintings - acrylic on 5X5" gesso board        working on my set of 4 circle mosaic paintings - acrylic on 5X5" gesso board

January on the left, today on the right:

106a        130a

Tools of the trade:


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