Tilghman Island, MD 2012
Tilghman Island, MD 2012

Tilghman Island, MD 2012

Back in June 2012, a few weeks after getting married happy squeak, Jim & I flew down to MD to visit his Auntie Alice and her husband Ben.  We stayed for a long weekend with them at their gorgeous home on Tilghman Island, MD.  Auntie’s son Jeffrey was also there – he had been hit by a car in the city while walking [poor guy!], and was recovering from emergency knee surgery.  It was great to meet Jeff and spend time with Auntie & Ben.  Jim & I flew into Baltimore Washington International [BWI] Airport, rented a car, and followed route 301 over the Chesapeake Bay.  It took us about 2½ hours to reach Auntie’s house [blue line on map]:

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We could have driven from our house, but it would have taken 8-10 hours.

I seem to have taken only two photos of Auntie’s house [now that I blog I am much more cognizant of taking photos that will TELL A STORY – but not so much back then].  The first pic was taken at dusk so it’s dark… and the other is a closeup of the atrium windows reflecting Chesapeake Bay:

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The garage is on the right, the 2-story atrium is in the middle with a spiral staircase and upper and lower seating areas with sweeping views of Chesapeake Bay, and the rest of the house is on the left.  Their yard is beautiful:

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Can you see the deer hanging out in Auntie’s driveway?  Click to make the picture bigger.  There were deer everywhere!  There were also turkeys everywhere – can you see their little heads poking out of the field in the 2nd picture?  They were cracking me up:

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Auntie’s house also has a wonderful dock with a bench for relaxing in the Bay breezes [an osprey is chillin’ on the bench in the 2nd pic]:

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And, speaking of osprey, there’s a HUGE nest on a pole right off the dock!  While we were there, the mom and dad osprey were taking care of 3 babies [who weren’t exactly babies anymore]:

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tilghman island maryland osprey        151r

We had a great time during our stay on Tilghman!  Auntie & Ben drove us around the area and showed us the beauty of the island.  We also went to a dinner party with them [and about 50 other guests] at a huge house which was immaculate and meticulously decorated.  And we got to experience “Tilghman Day” with Auntie & Ben, which was really fun!  It was like a summer fair with music and crafts, and as many soft shelled crabs as you can eat.  Jim and I did not partake in that part… Jim is vegetarian, and I can’t eat anything that looks like an armored spider SHUDDER.  I did buy myself a crab-cake sandwich which was delicious!  The following 8 shots are courtesy of Jim’s camera – he got such great pics of Auntie & Ben enjoying their crabs:



tilghman island maryland        tilghman island maryland

Here’s a few additional shots from the trip:

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The rest [except the 4th one] are courtesy of Jim:

tilghman island maryland        tilghman island maryland


Including this cool panoramic shot of Auntie’s house, yard, and dock:

tilghman island maryland

Auntie – we need to coordinate with you and plan another trip to Tilghman this summer!

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  1. My favorite food is steamed crabs. When I lived in Pittsburgh as a girl and would tell people that steamed crabs were my favorite food, they looked at me like I was from Mars. But, no, from the land of pleasant living, the shores of the Chesapeake Bay. Jo @ Let’s Face the Music

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