Yard Lanterns – Part 1
Yard Lanterns – Part 1

Yard Lanterns – Part 1

One of the projects on my 2016 Projects list is to install lights in the back yard where there have always been two weird black receptacles:

back of house / condo 2 outside yard outlets that i need to wire lanterns to

Now that the yard door is done, I decided to see what was under the receptacles.  Better to find out what’s underneath before going any further.  After work I got my ladder out, climbed up, and used my voltage tester to see if there was any electricity running to the receptacles.  Nothing.  Dammit!  I forged ahead anyways, and unscrewed the right one:


And a dead spider fell out *sigh*.


What I DIDN’T notice were the 2 LIVING spiders curled up inside – OMFG!!!:

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Here’s a better view after I disconnected the wires and very carefully laid the receptacle on the roof of the catio *SHUDDER*:


I’m hoping they’ll run away and find new homes!

I approached the left receptacle with more caution, and another dead spider fell out *SIGH*:


I carefully disconnected it from the wall.  No live spiders!  But the thick ropey webs were reminiscent of Miss Havisham’s bedroom… *SHUDDER*.  I capped the wires of both receptacles until I could figure out why there was no power:

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My first thought was to remove the face plate from the wall outlet in the living room and see if maybe the wires inside were disconnected.  The switch has never done anything, so I’ve always assumed it controlled the yard lights:


Which is when I realized I’d made one of the Biggest.  Rookie.  Mistakes… EVER.  Do you see what I saw?  The switch is in the OFF POSITION *face palm*…  Duh!!!  Of course no power was running to the yard receptacles!  Gawd.  So I flipped the switch ON, went back out and tested both sets of wires.  Nothing.  Grrrrrrr… I rolled Franc’s cage out of the way to reveal 2 more switches that have never done anything *fingers crossed!*:


I flipped the right one on, went back out, tested both sets of wires, and NOTHING.  I flipped the left side on, and FINALLY WE HAVE POWER!!!

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I decided to label the correct switch with painters tape, but I couldn’t find any so I just went with straight Sharpie:

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Next step will be picking out some lanterns/lights with hubby.

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