Stained Glass Spider Web – Part 3
Stained Glass Spider Web – Part 3

Stained Glass Spider Web – Part 3

I finished my stained glass spider web today.  Abbie gave me an awesome lesson in soldering.  And when I got home I painted on the magical liquid that turns the solder from silver to black.  Woohoo!  Now I can cross that off my 2015 Projects list!  9 done, 3 to go 🙂

Here’s how it looked 4 days ago:

copper foiling the stained glass spiderweb

I was so frustrated because after I wrapped each piece in copper foil it didn’t fit together very well anymore.  So I growled at it for 2 whole days, and pouted, and sulked.  And yesterday I finally got off my butt, spent about 3 hours playing puzzle with each piece until I figured out the best configuration of pieces.  I ended up cutting 5 completely new pieces and wrapping them.  I also unwrapped a few other pieces and used my glass grinder to mow down some edges.  Finally, as of this morning, it fit together perfect!  Or near enough since it’s my first stained glass project.

Hubby said “how can it be stained glass… there’s no color – it’s all clear”.  *crickets*… I have no answer for that.

I didn’t take any photos between 4 days ago and this afternoon after coming back from Abbie’s, but alot has happened – as in, I soldered it together!  Here’s the final product:

217a        217d

I’ll be making a frame for it and hanging it up very soon!  In the meantime, here’s some action shots:

217b2        217c2

I should mention that as soon as I took the action shots, the spider web fell off the window sill and crashed to the floor.  OMGOMGOMG!  But by some miracle it didn’t break.  Phew!

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  1. Daniela

    Hallo Alison
    Your stained glass spider web is great.
    Dein Spinnennetz Glasbild ist grossartig.
    I like very much.
    Es gefällt mir sehr gut.
    I am glad to see more thems.
    Ich freue mich auf mehr Motive.
    Liebe Grüsse

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