Maui, Hawaii 2019 – Part 3
Maui, Hawaii 2019 – Part 3

Maui, Hawaii 2019 – Part 3

I only have 2 pictures from our 4th day in Maui.  One from the Maui Winery where we enjoyed a tasting, and one from the Japanese steak house which was so much fun:

        awesome chef at the maui japanese steak house

On Day 5 we got up for breakfast and I was happy to see the Pioneer Inn’s 2 resident cats lounging in the inner courtyard – one in the sun by the pool, and one under a table where most people couldn’t see him:


Then we walked to breakfast, with the always beautiful view of Lanai greeting us both on the way there and from our table at the restaurant:


I was apparently in a pancake mood.  They were so good:

Then we boarded the Atlantis Submarine for some deep water sight seeing:



The 2nd pic is a shark [white tipped?] – it’s really hard to see, but it was so cool to see one:


Once we got back onto the boat that takes you out to the Atlantis [and back to shore, obv] we got to watch the next group get on, and then watch the sub submerge:


It’s always nice to see Maui & the Pioneer Inn from the water:


Pop & Susie wanted to visit a beach and go shopping, and Jim & I remembered that when we were in Maui in 2015 we’d gone snorkeling at “Black Rock” and had walked through a huge fancy mall to get there.  We drove about 10 minutes up the coast to Whaler’s Village, parked, then cut through a fancy hotel to get to the beach.  We ended up walking all the way to the end and sat under a shade tree for a while, and enjoyed a dip in the ocean:

Then Jim and & I sat in lounge chairs at the outdoor mall while Pop & Susie did a bit of shopping.

Then it was back to the Pioneer Inn where Alex, their African grey, greeted us.  He can whistle the entire Andy Griffith theme song.  Apparently when he acts up and won’t stop shrieking one of the waitresses brings her cell phone over to him and plays him a few different songs to calm him down, and that’s one of them:

alex, the resident african grey parrot at the pioneer inn, maui        alex, the resident african grey parrot at the pioneer inn, maui

The following day we went for a walk around Lahaina with Auntie, and Jim spotted a gold dust day gecko – my favorite!!!  Thankfully I got to see him before he “hid” behind the lantern:


Wild ginger is so pretty, especially in the late day sun:


Stay tuned for Part 4 – where we finally got to enjoy the magical and famous HANA HIGHWAY!

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  1. AnneV

    You really covered a lot of ground on your 4th day! All exotic and beautiful.
    Love the very theatrical chef at the Japanese restaurant and the fancy pancake presentation at the Inn.

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