Maui, Hawaii 2015 – Part 3
Maui, Hawaii 2015 – Part 3

Maui, Hawaii 2015 – Part 3

Jim and I traveled to Maui, Hawaii last April.  I posted about our first 5 days back in May, HERE & HERE.  But then I never got around to posting about the end of our trip.  Now that I’ve spent about 40 hours organizing my digital photo collection from 2001-2015, I finally took the time to go through the rest of the Maui photos.  Here are the highlights from our 6th & 7th day on the beautiful island of Maui:

DAY 6:

On day 6 we enjoyed a late breakfast/early lunch:

maui hawaii drinking mango smoothies        maui hawaii jim

Then headed out on a boat for a “snuba” lesson.  Snuba is a hybrid of snorkeling & scuba – you breathe through a regulator like scuba, but instead of having the tank on your back, the tank is attached to a floating raft, which is attached to the boat.  And it requires no certification or experience!  We were supposed to head to Molokai Island for snuba, but it was so windy the captain told us we’d be staying inshore instead.  Meh.  I hated snuba, but Jim enjoyed it.  It made my face and ears feel like they were being blasted with a nail gun once I got below 5 feet:

251c        251d

There honestly wasn’t much to see down there.  It was rather disappointing:

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Hubby loved snuba:

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My favorite part of the snuba trip was when they gave us free Mai Tai’s after the lesson [my first Mai Tai!].  I was the first one back in from the water, so I got an early start:


We weren’t far from shore at all – hubby took this with his camera’s “sparkle” setting.  The yellow rope is the anchor line:


Then it was back to Lāhainā for a rainbow, a sunset, and more Mai Tai’s with dinner:

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DAY 7:

On day 7 we fed our “pet” spotted dove on our hotel balcony:


Then drove about 20 minutes to Ulua Beach, which is a gorgeous spot:

maui hawaii ulua beach        251zf2

One thing I love about Hawaii beaches is how shaded they are.  There’s usually part of the beach with no shade, but then a section lined with trees.  It’s such a nice change from here, where there’s really nowhere to get out of the sun:

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We snorkled a bit:

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Then enjoyed playing in the warm water and gentle surf:

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That afternoon we drove to Keālia Pond National Wildlife Refuge where we saw lots of beautiful birds and scenery:

251t2        251q maui hawaii keālia pond national wildlife refuge

I ended the day by wandering around Lāhainā taking pictures of flowers:

251s        251r

251v        maui hawaii flowers

Stay tuned for days 8 & 9.  On Day 8 hubby took surf lessons – he’s so cool.

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