From Santa Hubby:  2 New DIY Books!
From Santa Hubby: 2 New DIY Books!

From Santa Hubby: 2 New DIY Books!

For Christmas, hubby gave me [amongst other awesome things like a new Kindle *happy squeak*] 2 of the DIY books I wanted most in the world:

black and decker complete guide to wiring book from hubby for christmas        jackson galaxy cat book from hubby for christmas

The Complete Guide to Wiring is updated with 2014-2017 codes, and is full of easy-to-follow diagrams and huge, glossy photos.  Catification will help fuel my need to build more cat platforms around the house for Birdie, as well as [HOPEFULLY] an enclosed “catio” in our back yard this Spring!

These books will definitely help me fumble my way through a new year of DIY!  Thank you, hubby!!!

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